PSW, slave randy


slave believes to affirm

slave information

Interview Oriented Questions

slave pride

slave background experiences

slave goals


slave deportment & training

slave play

slave limits



Slave (Defined)

A boy as full time slave

slave protocol

slave Regulations

Rules for a Successful slave

A Slave's Credo

The Gift of Your Submission


A boy as full time slave

Slave's Responsibilities

Slave Safety

So, You Want to Be a Slave



Master (Defined)



MASTER's Responsibilities











PSW, slave randy

also known as


web tracker >

updated - 05/26/08

SIR, i am a submissive slave boy.  i am a slave with a mental, spiritual, sexual, and physical overwhelming desire to give control of my life, in full trust to my Master.  i know who i am now and although it has taken me a long time to find out that i have been a slave all of my life, i just never saw it.  i know that i must serve and be collared, chained, and used to the benefit of my Master.  i have every desire to please him, serve him, service him, and to make sure he is happy with all that he does with all of his needs being met to the fullest extent.  My purpose is for him and any use that he deems necessary of my entire being.  i will do as i am told to do.  i recognize that being a slave is not about sex, but about my service and fulfillment of the needs of my Master and his every wish and desire.  slave boy randy is ready to serve and service his Master completely, giving Him the greatest gift, my time, life, body, mind, and soul.


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slave believes to affirm:
The Master / slave life of which this slave is a proud and integral part is a growing segment of the gay culture.  This slave acknowledges that his purpose for being is to serve his Master's will.  His function in life is his commitment to please, worship, and obey his Master.  This slave acknowledges that he is the property of his Master.  He commits his life to always honor his Master through obedience and service to him.  His mind, body, and spirit are for his Master to use in any way he chooses.  This slave acknowledges that his Master is under no obligation to explain his orders or to justify his punishments, but slave is under every obligation to obey and accept punishment.  This slave acknowledges that he is a slave and that he lives to worship, obey and please his Master, who gives meaning to his existence.  This slave acknowledges that he exists to serve.

This slave also recognizes that his Master will be totally fair in all decisions he chooses that affect the use and purpose of this slave.  This slave is aware that his Master will not intentionally harm, cause harm, or place in harms way as any such act would, lessen the value of his slave, as to destroy or abuse the purpose of his slave and his ability to serve his Master.  This slave has given the right to be used for the purposes his Master has determined.  Slave also realizes that mutilation, destruction, marking, or crippling would defeat the purpose of their relationship and slaves value, and the ability of this slave to serve his Master and the usability of his slave.  This slave must serve, service, and protect his Master, as that is his purpose.

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INFORMATION that might be of concern to the MASTER

slave information:
gay, white, male.
PSW: pig, slut, whore
heritage: dutch/american indian/german.
submissive and passive nature, but will be aggressive when instructed to do so.
slave mentality, obedient disposition, respectful character.
6'5" height.
215 lbs.
34" waist.
17.5" neck.
36" inseam.
9.5" ankles.
7.5" wrists.
4-5" cut flaccid penis.
9" erect penis.
low hanging large testicles.
tight ass hole (stretches wide for fisting).
auburn hair, no receding hair line.
amber eyes.
good teeth.
smooth shaved face and light hair on chest and legs.
no piercing, no tattoos.
no tobacco, no alcohol, no drugs, no coffee.
Home: rent in Seattle, WA
no longer owns two houses in Melbourne, FL.

do not smoke,
do not drink alcohol,
do no cannabis,
do no amyl nitrate,
do no illegal drugs,
do not drink coffee,
no piercing,
no tattoos.

Prescription drugs:
Vitamins: yes
HIV Status: positive (as of 03/31/04)
mental issues:   severe major depression, stress, anxiety, pressure, nerves, OCD, PTSD, ADD
disabilities (visible or invisible): same as above, plus - dyslexia, lazy eye, slow reader
Do wear glasses - corrected to 20/20
Describe: unemployable, side work for cash (computer work, healing/massage)
Diet:  vegetarian (lacto-ovo + fish), healthy
Allergies to dogs, cats, or other: yes, but i deal with it as best i can

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What are you looking for in a MASTER/submissive relationship?
The following is ideal knowing that no Master, being they are human, is necessarily perfect.
- A true Master, that is dominant, controlling, trusting, honest, communicates openly, patient, respectful, guardian, trainer, guide, and understands the responsibility for what he is undertaking in ownership of this slave.
- A Master that would never violate the trust that has been given to him fully, by this slave.
- A Master that protects and values his slaves, for all that he has to offer the family and Master.
- A Master that knows he has a prize worth showing off and with pride.
- A Master who does not hide and is living his life as a Master, not just a game or for fun now and then, or in some lifestyle that is something he does when he fills like it to dress up for a fashion show.
- A Master who would never set double standards, nor set a catch 22 situation.
- A Master who would never expect from his slave that which he himself would not set as an example.
- A Master who cares about his health and takes pride in keeping himself healthy.
- A Master that has limits and knows what and when and where he can go with his slave, without causing damage, harm, or hardship.
- A Master that values the knowledge, desire to learn, goals, and motivation of his slave to better himself for his own fulfillment, but also for the pride and ego of the Master.
- A Master that knows to recognize and compliment for the accomplishments and the progress of his slave as appropriate.
- A Master that uses, but knows the difference between use and abuse, and is totally in tune with the slave enough to know when enough is enough.
- A Master that finds more use for the slave than just a sex toy and is proud to take his valued property into the public with collar and markings without any shame or fear of any reprisals.
- A Master who is supportive, as well as attentive, and aware of what is going on in the life of this slave.
- A Master that knows when to be there for the slave, both in tenderness, caring, sensitive, affectionate, loving, and intimate when it is appropriate.
- A Master that is true to who he is and recognizes all of the things he has in the responsibility of the slave and the life, time, body, soul, mind, and everything about the slave. Accepts the precious gift this slave has given to the power of the Master in the trust of his Master.
- One last thing, A Master who recognizes in himself that he too is human and can make an error in judgment or any decision, that even with his pride, ego, and self-confidence, can falter.

- Do you have a problem calling your MASTER "Sir" at all times?  no SIR not at all
- When would you feel uncomfortable calling him "Sir"?   When expected to call Him by His first name
- Is it important to you to have a MASTER who is well known or has an important role in the leather community? To some extent YES, not absolute
- What would the MASTER'S (not the slave's) limits be in the administration of corporal punishment? patience, thought, and self-control, without anger before administering any punishment. Also following the rules of the good quality Master that he knows he is and will continue to be knowing the value of his slave, beyond the moment in question.

- Describe the MASTER of your dreams:  well as far as looks, i would want a well structured man extremely masculine, well built through his work outs, strong facial features, smooth face, no hair on face, medium to light body hair, or maybe none at all, but mild at the most, huge cock and balls, the longer the better, tall about 6' +, broad shoulders, highly defined all over, reasonably short dark or blonde hair, bright blue engaging eyes, dark long eye lashes.  Beyond looks, must be intelligent, sensitive, caring, tender, affectionate, a real man without the mack truck features.  The most important thing, more so than the physical characteristics is the mental aspect of the man and who is he on the inside.

- What has been your most intense scene involving SM/BD?  extreme CBT, but not to forget the flogging at a tom of finland demo where my chest was slashed up and took 4.5 weeks to heal.
- Have you ever been broken to tears in a scene?  yes numerous times SIR
- Do you freely admit when you have done something wrong and are you prepared for the punishment?
i can not withhold anything from my Master, regardless of the punishment, whether it be physical or mental, the mental being the worst. i hate the mental punishments. If i withheld anything from my Master i would be ruminating over the event or issue so much that it would be obvious to the Master.

- Have you violated any law in the past two years?  Oct 2002
- Have you been arrested?  yes
- Describe:  for nudity in public, and luid and lecevious act, 800.02 800.03 in FL

- How do you characterize your housekeeping abilities?:  excellent
- How willing are you to maintain your Master's living quarters?  very willing
- Are there any household chores you would prefer not to do?  very willing to do all of the chores required of me. Chores i would prefer not to do is all of them, but that is not my option or choice and not how i will act toward the duties.
- Describe your culinary abilities:  can cook with limited skills, very plain. Definitely no chef.

- Do you have any religious affiliation?  Episcopalian
- If so, how important in your life are your religious beliefs?  not important for issues or effects.
- Describe your extended family. E.g., are your parents still alive, any siblings, and your level of involvement with them.   Mother(i call and talk), Brother(little involvement) and his family, Sister(practically no involvement) and her family, and my ex-wife(good communications) and my daughter(ok). Not to mention my former step father, step mother, two step brothers, and half sister(no involvement with any of them). Father is already gone, along with all grand parents.
- Do you have any strongly felt political beliefs?   If so, describe. i avoid all discussion in this category SIR, regardless of my beliefs or thoughts. Simple to say they do not match up to the doings of our government.

- When other people meet you and get to know you, what do you think is the MOST important thing about you that they like about you?  some might say looks, some might say my body, and others might say intelligence, but to be honest i do not know and or understand what they think, or why they even like me at all, when they do which is not common.
- What is your worst habit, i.e., is there anything you do which you wish you could stop doing?  interrupting conversations of another or breaking into the middle of another conversation with my own thoughts on a subject. A habit i want to break, but i usually will forget what it was i was thinking if i do not write it down or say it then. going back to the more shy mode that i am and have always been. Also remaining extremely polite.
- Overall, what do you think makes you the sort of person other people want to be around?   WOW, really should be asking others, but i guess it is either my looks, which is hard to believe, my intelligence, maybe honesty, possibly, being a real true person without attitude i think might help, but any specific one, i cannot really say for sure. Most of the time though most people do not want to be around me nor do they hang near by, let alone talk.
- What personality trait of yours do you think your friends like the least?  Maybe being a Mister Know it All, but i do not do that intentionally. Otherwise i have no clue at all.
- What are your musical tastes?:  a program called the Music of Your Life, but i will listen to quite a variety of different kinds of music as long as it is not blasting in my ears and driving me crazy with a pounding beat.
- Describe your hobbies:  sex, photography, reading, writing, internet, email, projects, tennis, swimming, working out, learning, helping others, crusade for HIV, AIDS, and cancer, travel, bowling, music, fixing computers systems, communicating with friends, good time with friends and family, and when time allows relaxing.
- Describe what social activities you regularly engage in:  used to get involve in my tennis, toastmasters, boy scouts, gay group meetings at the community center, volunteering, doing all i could to help others, and when an event came around that i was invited to or a party whether social or play i went. At this time, few to none, my life has changed and the things i want to do i am not in a position to be able to do.  Hope that the opportunity will allow things to occur once again.
- Describe your abilities when it comes to handling your personal finances:  rather not, but can do when i have to and know bills have to be paid, but when money is tight and cannot pay them i get extremely depressed. It is a major mental killer.
- What are your thoughts on obedience of the slave to a Master's orders? 
Are there any situations in which you think that you would hesitate to follow your Master's orders?  i think when my life or safety may be in jeopardy, or if i am very sick and i am not doing well, otherwise i do not know of any reason other than that i stated.  Even then i most likely would not question the order.
- In what areas would you not be willing to defer to your Master's orders? 
Specifically, control of a slave/boy involves control of his mind. Are there any portions of your thoughts that would be off limits to your Master?  Explain.  i cannot think of anything with my thoughts that would be off limits as i have nothing to hide so any question can be answered or attempted to be answered completely. Since i have done hypnosis, and have a trigger, i am comfortable with that and an experienced Hypnotist.
- Are you willing to enter into an ownership agreement if the chemistry is right?  YES most definitely.
- If so, what rights would you, as a slave/boy insist on being part of such a contract? Information will be gathered and have to be shared later and in compromise with the Master prior to our consummating the relationship.
- How would you feel about having slave brothers?  have no problem with slave brothers SIR, just means more fun and family, actually prefer it.
- How would you feel about being a number 2, or number 3 etc. slave that the MASTER owns and then taking orders from the slaves in positions above you?  taking orders from slaves is not a good idea, but being equal to them other than they have precedence over this slave is not a problem. Having an Alpha slave is not a problem either, as long as any orders are those of the Master and the guidance he gives are in agreement with that of the Master.  Taking orders from more than one person and especially when there is more than one Master to begin with SIR, is not recommended. You may want to think that one through very carefully as orders can be contrary to each other, and then can be confusing for the slave not knowing what to do SIR.  This slave will always do the best at what his Master has ordered.
- Suppose your MASTER does something which strikes you as being absolutely stupid, irresponsible, or asinine, i.e., something that makes you realize that your Master has flaws. How do you believe you would handle this?
How do you think it might affect your ability to be submissive to your MASTER?
  i realize we are all not perfect and we all make mistakes, so if the Master makes a mistake, if it is something i can help him correct, would do it in a constructive manner, or if it is something he does and admits to it and then it needs to be overlooked unless asks for help then that is fine too, but does not prevent the submissive nature or the ability to submit to the dominant Master. The only thing that might be in question would be if the flaws are frequent and are not conducive to a Master in self-control and still able to manage the responsibility of the ownership of his slave. This might be a special occasion where communications might be very important and needed. 

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slave pride:
The essence of this male slave is his natural inborn feeling of submission, desire to serve, and give of himself.  He has worth and value to any Master who finds him useful.  This slave always provides a good example to those males around him who may still be learning so they may be as true to their nature as this slave is true to his nature.  This slave is not a weak person for it takes a strong male to commit to the natural drive to serve, to obey and to please a Master.  This slave also realizes his fear in committing his life to be with his Master.  Only through submission will this slave find his true self.
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slave background experiences:
Submission has always been the desire and natural instinct to do all that was necessary to please others and even more so to the expectations, wishes and demands of males, especially adults, and elders.  It is a natural instinct that has been part of this submissive's demeanor since earliest childhood and well guided by parental teachings.  Always ready to give of himself, to do what was necessary to please the needs of the not only what was required in the family, but to all adults and other figures of leadership.  i was always very independent and led my own path, but in doing so i realized that i was still the follower of others, the "go for",  until my experiences in the Boy Scouts and learned about being a leader while still serving the leaders and doing for other leaders as i continued to serve.  Even, with all i learned about being a leader i continued to serve and do for others as that was and is my natural instinct.  i worked hard to become an Eagle Scout, but in so doing continued my service to the program and the needs of others for more than 20 years as i served.  i cannot justify why, but i was drawn to aggressive males, their power to control and dominate.  i always found myself looking up to their direction and orders.  i was also empowered each time they executed their authority of their position of power.  No matter how passive and submissive i was, the authority they had or created for themselves always led me to mental pain and sometimes physical pain and humiliation.  This submissive had a sense of belonging, a purpose, a realization that i was "liked", but i could not see that since i was feeling the pain of their authority and feeling hurt.  i always felt left out as if though looking from the outside in.  It has taken many years to realize that maybe i was liked, but treated poorly because they saw they could get away with the humiliation.  i accepted it poorly, but now know more so than ever that i am submissive and extremely passive in nature and that when the opportunity to give of myself and do for others i will and have.

This submissive boy stayed away from most of the other guys just to protect himself from the torture, pain, and humiliation they would serve up every time i came around.  No i was not a fighter nor was i going to play their game, because i was independent, but i was not out to hurt or pretend i was angry at their practical jokes and continued humiliation, whether it was waiting for the bus in the morning going to school or getting on the bus returning home and then walking home from the stop after school.  It never seemed to end every day as in continuous torture and pain.  It was always worse when i decided to ride my bike only to find my tire flat and then having to walk my bike 2.5 miles home afterwards.  i was afraid to take my clothes off in the locker room during gym as i knew i was not only under developed with my chest, but overly developed with my cock and felt uncomfortable.  i always protected myself from being noticed.  One day i was noticed that i had not only a large cock, but was partially hard and he made note of it and certainly made a big deal of it by telling everyone about it.  The jocks in the locker room and even those in the school that knew of me and was not in my gym class only ridiculed me, even more.  i would stand along the wall as other guys took their shower and in such a position so that i could watch them and look at their much more mature and developed bodies that i could only wish for, as their testosterone was most evident.  One day i was caught here too, what are you looking at boy said one of them.  Yes, i was recognized as a faggot, homo, queer, and whatever else fit the occasion.  i never admitted to it and certainly not as that would have only made it worse.

When we had wrestling season in our gym class and the opportunity to touch another guy was all to much for me, to concentrate on what was expected and again i was extremely passive and would submit to my competitor as i loved his strength over me.  i would assume the positions as was instructed to do, but always found myself weaker in strength then the other guys and found myself quickly pinned beneath them.  i was more afraid to touch him and have any reactions as in erections, but the nature of the wrestling was too overwhelming to control what i felt as i gave in to my competitor.  i so wanted to feel more of him, but could not.  A neighbor friend found me interesting and one day came over and some how we were on my bed with me naked and him jacking me off and when i came i thought i had done something wrong.  Masturbation became a regular obsession once i discovered the sensation that it delivered each time, as i would shoot over my head.

These were this submissive's earliest experiences and the beginning of this slave's love affair only to be truly discovered later with S&M, B&D, although i didn't even know what they were at the time, nor had i ever heard of them.  i never realized that some of the play fantasies i had were so much a part of who i truly was, not knowing that i am truly a submissive.  When i had heard and understood S&M and B&D, only thought it too be extreme and strange which never could understand why anyone would want to do this.  It has taken many years to do so, but i now know.

i denied the attraction for males and homosexual feelings all through my military experience, and college, but also the submissive nature so intrinsic in my essence.   i did have many encounters during those years, more so while in the Air Force, but each one was unique, and of course i was very attracted to the idea that i was wanted for my beautiful cock, when many of the times it was to take and use me for their purpose, comfort, and enjoyment.  i would submit totally to their needs and for the use and purposes that best served them and when they got done i was laying there like a rag.  My value for them had been used and fully taken advantage of.  i was sought out to be their top most of the time because of my size, and cock size, but that did not create the satisfaction in me and although it did feel good at times, i soon learned that i had other feelings that meant more.  i was always wanted because of my big cock, but even while in college, i was a boy toy for several black men only to be used for their gratification.  Submitting is what i have done best.

It was not until October 1977 that i met my first boy friend and a wonderful man he was to me as we shared so much and still do today, but unfortunately from a distance.  He helped me find my self whether it was trying to express my aggressive side or totally submitting to him as he worshiped and took advantage of my body.  i felt so much for the first time i never realized before.  i felt the comfort of a man as i truly slept with him the first night and wrapped my arms around him.  i needed it more and more.  He helped me find myself such that i was able to cum out in April 1998.  In May i had cum out to my wife (now ex-wife), and one year later to my daughter and mother.

Although i have slowly embraced the gay leather community, i am beginning to find my position within as a true slave out to serve and service to my Master's satisfaction and pleasure.  i am also finding out more about my self as i continue to submit myself to the purpose and service of others.  This slave has been trained in areas to include: discipline, collars, leashes, nudity, exhibitionism, humiliation (public and private), bondage, caged, restraints, harness, ropes, chains, ass stretching, butt plugs, dildos, cock bondage, cock worship, cock sucking, cock and ball torture, ball stretching, weights, cock rings and straps, rimming, body worship, foot worship, boot worship, licking, servicing other Masters, suspension, sling, cross, gags, blind folds, golden showers, kneeling, drinking piss (Master's / slave's), eating Cum (Master's / slave's), eating cum from other slave's ass, directed masturbation, group sex, fisting, enforced chastity, enemas, catheters, mummification, escape mummification, flogging, spanking, paddling, tit torture, water sports, clothes pins, being a dog named Duke (bark, howl, beg, roll over, eat and drink from dog bowl).

All nine Masters to date, that have had control over this slave at one time or another, have raised and trained this slave.  Some of the training is known as "Old Guard" ways, obeying without question, gratefully accepting humiliation and enthusiastically submitting to discipline as a public and private testimony to Master's Domination of His property.  This slave accepts that he is property and his only purpose in life is to please his Master(s).

Some of the training, and experiences simply expanded natural desires and passions while some, once introduced, grew to be exciting fetishes.  Today, this slave is dependent on Master control for stimulation and humiliation to maintain an erection or achieve orgasm, if that is what pleases its Master.  It is rare for this slave to cum since it takes a lot to drive it to that point.  Since this slave has no control over his cock and what he does with this cock, cumming occurs less frequently.  Restricted sexual release therefore is not a difficult order to obey.

This slave's training started before AIDS and HIV and has continued into today's scenes of HIV, AIDS, drugs, and poppers.  Drugs and poppers were a big part of the scene, but this slave has not and will not participate in any kind of drugs or poppers that affect his ability to perform and please his Master.  This slave has been clean and will remain clean from all forms of drugs and any interaction or risk that will cause this slave to receive any kind of infection or virus that may cause harm to him.  This slave must be able to serve and service his Master, and any change in his health or physical being may impede this slaves abilities and cause risk to his position as a true slave.

This slave was recently involved in the Leather University Dungeon 501, in Ft Lauderdale, FL.  He arrived with no Master, or involvement of any kind and at supper time a Master had taken control of this slave and for the rest of the weekend, this slave was collared and leashed, serving his new Master.  This was a growing experience for this slave and has discovered new limits and capabilities unaware of prior to this weekend.  This experience strengthen its realization and acceptance of its true self and nature.   This slave also realized just how extensive are his limits.

This slave delights in being totally naked before his Master, to receive his commands, to love and serve him, stripped bare of all boundaries, inhibitions and limits. This intense spiritual sexual path has lead this slave to personal happiness and inner fulfillment.  Through continued training and discipline this slave seeks to perfect its submission to Master, present itself to Master and to Others in an appropriate submissive demeanor, set a good example and be ready to explain my position to those curious about the Master/slave life, and safely explore all areas of SM.  This slave has many fantasies, but rather seeks to make unrealized experiences a reality.

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slave goals:
live Master/slave Life full time
perfect my submission to Master
seek improvement as slave through training
improve self discipline
to serve the Leather Community
to give fully of myself for the success of others
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Sexual arousal to items, body parts or behaviors that are not innately sexual.  Things that make this slave hot, hard and horny just at the mere mention!

Anal stimulation (dildos / butt plugs) (huge turn on)
Ass Worship (sniffing / kissing / licking) (huge turn on)
Ball stretching
Bareback Fucking
Body Shaving (self and others) (huge turn on)
Bondage (handcuffs / leather / chains / mummification) (huge turn on)
Cock and Ball Torture
Cum (on me / in me)
Humiliation (public / private) (huge turn on)
Leather (gear, restraints, harnesses) (huge turn on)
Nude Servitude (self and Others) (huge turn on)
Public display (nude / collared / leashed)
Wrestling (competitive / nude)
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slave deportment & training:

Bathroom use control 
Chastity belts 
Collars (worn in private) 
Collars (worn in public) 
Dog training 
Eye contact restrictions 
Forced nudity (private) 
Forced nudity (around others) 
Forced nudity (public) 
Forced servitude 
Furniture use restriction 
Housework (doing) 
Leather clothing 
Restrictive rules on behavior 
Sexual deprivation (short term) 
Sexual deprivation (long term) 
slave protocol enforcement 
Underwear deprivation


turn on 
grateful for experience 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
grateful for experience 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
grateful for experience 
turn on 
turn on
turn on 
turn on
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on
extreme turn on

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slave play

Analingus (rimming, oral/anal play) 
Anal play 
Anal sex (bottom) 
Anal plugs (s,m,l) 
Anal plug (public, under clothes) 
Ball stretching 
Bareback fucking 
Boot worship 
Bondage (light & heavy) 
  Bondage (multi-day) 
  Bondage (public, under clothing) 
  Ceiling/ wall hooks 
  Cells/Closets (locked inside of) 
  Cock rings/straps 
  Cotton rope
  Cuffs (leather wrist and ankle) 
  Cuffs (metal) 
  Duct tape 
  Full head hoods 
  Gas masks 
  Genital bondage 
  Leather cuffs 
  Leather bonds 
  Leather restraints 
  Manacles & Irons 
  Mental bondage 
  Mouth bits 
  Nylon rope 
  Outdoor setting 
  Saran wrapping 
  Slings/ swings 
  Spandex bonds 
  Spreader bars 
  Steel shackles 
  Straight jackets 
  Suspension ( on toes) 
  Suspension (upright) 
  Suspension (inverted) 
  Suspension (horizontal) 
Breath control 
Cigars (smelling) 
Cock worship 
Corporal Discipline 
  Beating (soft & hard) 
  Belt/ strap 
  Braided cat 
  Cane (rattan) 
  Cock whipping 
  Deerskin cat 
  Face slapping 
  Knotted whip
  Leather cat 
  Leather paddle 
  Over-the-knee spanking 
  Plastic rod 
  Riding crop 
  Rubber whip 
  Single lash 
  Spanking (hand) 
  Strapping (full body beating) 
  Wooden paddle 
Enforced chastity 
Examinations (physical) 
Exercise (forced/required) 
Fantasy rape 
Flame play 
Foot worship 
Forced masturbation 
Gates of Hell 
Group Sex 
Hair pulling 
Hand jobs (giving) 
Hand jobs (receiving) 
Homage with tongue (non-sexual) 
Hot Creams (Ben-Gay) on genitals 
Hot wax (ie candle) 
  Dirty words 
  Foot (kissing & licking) 
  Lead on leash 
  Licking (sexual & non-sexual) 
  Physical Humiliation 
  Public display 
  Public embarrassment 
  Public sex 
  Public whipping 
  Secret sex in public 
  Verbal abuse 
  Verbal humiliation 
Ice cubes 
Loaned Out 
Massage (giving) 
Medical scenes 
Modeling for erotic photos 
Orgasm denial 
Orgasm control 
Outdoor scenes 
Outdoor sex 
Pain (severe) 
Pain (mild) 
Phone/Cyber Sex 
Piss Enemas 
Prison scenes 
Sensory deprivation
Serving as ashtray (hand) 
Serving as furniture 
Serving as toilet (urine) 
Serving orally (sexual) 
Sleep deprivation 
Slutty clothing 
Spandex clothing 
Speech restrictions (when, what?) 
Supplying new partners for Master 
Swallowing semen (own) 
Swallowing urine (own) 
Swallowing semen (master) 
Swallowing urine (master) 
TENS Unit (electrical toy) 
Tit Torture 
Urethral Sounds (metal rods) 
Water Sports 
Vibrator on genitals 
Violet Wand (electrical toy) 
Voyeurism (watching others) 
Video (watching others) 
Video (recordings of you) 
War Games 
Waxing (hair removal) 
Wrestling (singlet or nude) 

very little 

extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
turn on 
extreme turn on 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
eager to experience 
eager to experience 
turn on
extreme turn on 
turn on
extreme turn on 
eager to experience 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on  
turn on 
do it if ordered 
do it if ordered 
do it if ordered 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on
extreme turn on  
extreme turn on 
do it if ordered 
do it for Master 
eager to experience 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
eager to experience 
extreme turn on 
eager to experience 
eager to experience 
eager to experience 
eager to experience 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
turn off(cannot breathe) 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
do it if ordered 
turn on 
do it for Master
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on  
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on  
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
extreme turn off 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on  
extreme turn on  
grateful for experience 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
turn on 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
(shaved body, short haircut) 
turn on 
turn on 
turn on 
do it for Master 
turn on 
extreme turn on 
do it for Master 
turn off 
extreme turn on 
do it if ordered 
turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on  
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
turn on 
grateful for experience 
eager to experience 
do it for Master 
grateful for experience 
extreme turn on  
turn on 
turn on 
turn on 
turn on 
do it for Master 
do it for Master
turn off  
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on  
do it for Master 
extreme turn on  
turn off 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
do it for Master 
eager to experience 
eager to experience 
eager to experience 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on 
do it if ordered 
do it for Master 
not ticklish 
do it for Master 
do it for Master 
extreme turn on  
extreme turn on 
extreme turn on  
turn on 
turn on 
turn on 
 turn on 
eager to experience 
 turn on 
extreme turn on 

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slave limits (will not participate):

Alcohol, drinking
Cattle prod/stun gun (electrical toy) 
Cigarette/Cigar burning scenes 
Cross dressing 
Drugs (legal, illegal) 
Hard Punching, Kicking, etc 
Heavy bruising 
Permanent Markings (professional) 
Permanent Markings (physical) 
Permanent Markings (personal) 
Permanent Markings (emotional) 
Piercing (temporary, play-pierce) 
Piercing (permanent) 
Serving as ashtray (mouth) 
Sex with women 
Sucking until raw 


will consider 
 will consider 
will consider 
will consider 
will consider 
will consider 
will consider 
will consider

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slave protocol:
General protocol will help the leather community to socialize, interact, and pursue with each other.  This protocol code of behavior should be followed as the heart, mind, and personality of the slave as lead or directed by his Master.

Just as the "clothes make the man" the codes of dress can help bolster self confidence.  However, if you believe attitude, conduct, and integrity reveals the true man, or slave, then you will be confident in choosing not to follow the more superficial "standards" presented.

The following are three conducts of good form that are generally accepted practices in the leather community.

First, be clean outside and inside, always be prepared! Shower frequently, and generally be deodorant and cologne free.  For work necessities there are scent free deodorants available. The preference for the natural scent of a hot, sweaty man in or out of leathers is a sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac that has been with mankind since the beginning of time.  Colognes and deodorants mask the natural and what most leather men consider erotic smells of the male body and leather hides.

Second, don't touch another individual without their expressed permission.  Don't tweak nipples, grab an ass, bare or otherwise, fondle a basket or jock pouch or caress the leather or muscles of someone you don't know or are passing in a crowd.  It is non-consensual.  Included in this topic is touching another's hat, especially the more formal motor cycle cap which is generally worn by Tops.

Third, know and adhere to the credo of Safe, Sane and Consensual.  Practice SAFE sex and S&M.  Play SANEly, free of drugs and alcohol and clear of mind.  Make sure all parties are CONSENSUALLY involved in all activities taking place.
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slave Regulations:
The following basic regulations should be obeyed as written unless otherwise directed by a Master.

These rules were assembled and voted upon by the Master members of The  Master's Association in October 1999.

1. a slave may not touch anything used to punish, discipline, or restrain it unless
ordered to.
2. if a slave is not able to execute an order, it will immediately prostrate itself for
3.  a slave may not use negative facial expressions such as rolling the eyes,  disgust,
pain, or sadness.
4.  a slave may not sit or lie on any furniture except for the performance of its duties.
5.  a slave may not lean against walls, furniture or other objects except for the
performance of its duties.
6.  a slave may not lie down except in prostration awaiting discipline or for bedtime.
7.  a slave may not wear underwear even when allowed to wear street clothing.
8.  a slave will execute all commands immediately without hesitation or question.
9.  a slave speaks only on command, but will acknowledge the calling of its name   (or number) with "SIR!"
10.  a slave may not tell a lie.
11.  a slave will present food, beverages, or any other item ordered by its Master from its knees and hold it until the Master takes it.
12.  a slave will assume the "kneel" position when any Master enters the room.
13.  a slave is an object and may not refer to itself as "i" or use the words "me",  "we", "my", "mine", "ours", etc., but should use the second person possessive ("Your slave") or third person neutral (`it" or "the slave").
14.  a slave may not use profane language at any time.
15.  a slave may not touch its genitals, nipples or ass unless specifically ordered to, or for cleaning purposes as required by its Master.
16.  a slave must always be naked in any Master's household, unless specifically
instructed otherwise.
17.  a slave may, with permission, have a friend come to visit, but must remain naked and ready to serve.
18.  a slave will sign its name always in lower case.
19.  a slave will keep its body clean and available for its Master's use 24 hours a day.
20.  a slave will use the word 'SIR' only once per statement as in "It is 3:00,  SIR".
21.  a slave may not begin eating until its Master (or all Masters present) begins eating.
22.  a slave will address its own Master as "Master" or "Sir", but will address any other Master only as "Sir".
23.  a slave speaks only on command, but may speak to ask a question or request permission to use the restroom, etc.
24.  a slave will answer questions directed to it with "Yes, SIR", "No, SIR", or the
shortest number of words needed to answer the question.
25.  a slave will keep its body shaved and maintain a short haircut (or buzz cut) on its head.

Note: The "kneel" position is as follows: Knees on the floor, head down, hands clasped behind the back.
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Rules for a Successful slave:
A Slave's Credo:
i will surrender myself completely to my master and to his love for me.
My very thoughts will be only to love and serve my master and to make him proud of me.
i will always respect my master.
i will always serve and obey my master's commands fully.
i will always serve and obey my master's commands immediately.
i will always serve and obey my master's commands silently, except for "Yes Sir".
i will address my master as "Sir" or "master" or by whatever title he chooses to specify.
i will never question the reasons behind my master's commands, for they are none of my concern.
i will speak only when my master gives me permission to speak, and any question i may have regarding His commands or the specifications of my assigned duties are to be in private and never in front of other people.
i will always be nude in the presence of my master unless told otherwise.
i will always wear my master's collar, unless i am told otherwise.
i will only wear the clothing that my master permits me to wear, or go naked if He so requires.
If i am to be permitted to work, i shall work only for my master, and surrender to Him all proceeds from my labors.
i will always stand in the presence of my master, with my head bowed and my hands behind me but not resting on my ass.
i will kneel in the presence of my master, when he allows me to, with my head bowed and my hands behind me, but not resting on my ass.
i will sit only at my master's feet, unless he tells me otherwise.
i will at no time presume to sit on a piece of furniture without my master's express permission.
i will always keep my body clean and ready for my master's use and pleasure.
i will always keep my body in a proper, healthy condition for my master's use and pleasure.
My bodily functions are to be completely controlled by my master; even the times when i may be allowed to go to the bathroom are to be specified by Him.
i will always be available for my master's use and pleasure, or the use and pleasure of whoever He shall command me to serve.
i will never smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs without my master's express permission.
i will only eat those foods provided by my master, when and where He specifies that i may eat them.
i will never get into my master's bed unless i have asked permission and that permission has been granted.
i will keep my body free from hair below the eyes, particularly my crotch, ass and armpits.
i will accept whatever punishments my master may decree without complaint or protest.
i will never harbor feelings of anger or resentment towards my master, and if such feelings should involuntarily cross my consciousness i shall immediately confess these feelings to Him and submit to whatever punishment He deems appropriate.
i will do my best to never be an encumbrance to my master or make Him uncomfortable by my presence.
i will submit willingly to whatever additional rules my master may wish to impose, either now or at a later date.
Because my body is now my master'S property, it is no longer my right to protest any use He chooses to make of it.  Rather, it is an honor if He deigns to touch me at all.
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This is just opinion of a existing MASTER/slave-couple about 24/7-slavery.
The Gift of Your Submission
The good Master will see your submission as a truly priceless gift; it is His desire that you see it in that light as well. Because you are submitting to a good Master, this guide is designed to help you understand and enjoy your slavery in His household to its fullest.   In recognition of the value, importance, and seriousness of the decision to submit to a Master, read, understand, and then discuss these guidelines with Him to insure that you fully understand His expectations and are able to achieve your potential.

In a Master and slave relationship, there must be a division of responsibility and obligation.   These clearly defined parameters are absolutely necessary to the success of the relationship.   The typical traditional family seldom, if ever, takes the time to understand and clearly define the individual's role within the relationship.   You are a slave and as such, owned and possessed by your Master. You are His to enjoy as He wishes.   You must know, understand, and trust that, no matter how He might choose to enjoy you or what He might choose to do to you, you are valued as His slave.

No matter what restrictions may be imposed upon you, you must feel free to communicate with your Master, secure in the knowledge that all such communication will help Him to understand your needs.   The importance of this communication cannot be overemphasized--it is the essential basis of the Master/slave relationship.   As a slave, you will be required to be honest, open, available, and accessible to your Master at all times.   Equally essential is trust.   With trust, all things are possible.

Know that in all things, your Master shall be governed solely by His concern for your well-being and the well-being of His household as He sees it.   This guide will be changed, updated, or modified according to the Master's expectations, desires, or limitations as changes occur through the normal process of human existence and growth, without notice.
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Master (Defined)
Webster's New World Dictionary:
"master n. 1. a man who rules others or has control 2. an expert 3. a title"
For our purposes a Master is a man or woman who wants to own and control at least one slave.
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MASTER's Responsibilities
Your Master's main responsibility is to do everything within His power so you will develop and grow as a slave.   Now that He has found you, He will help you to maximize your exceptional potential.   You are not only His slave, you are his friend, lover, and trusted companion.   As your Master, He is responsible for freeing you from your limitations and requiring you to excel in every part of your life.   The Master's general responsibilities are:
Maintaining and protecting the trust that you bestowed upon Him with your submission.
Your physical and emotional safety.
Your guidance and direction.
Establishing and maintaining the lines of communications necessary to insure your growth and the growth of the relationship.
Providing and caring for you within the context of the Master/slave relationship.
Training you so that you might achieve your true potential as man and slave.
Demonstrating as much creativity in approaching the task of meeting your ever- changing needs as He shall require that you demonstrate in meeting His.
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        Commands respect without Saying a Word.
        Commands my submission without Saying a Word.
        Knows how to Accept the gift or my surrender, and How to Give the gift of His Domination.
        Accepts the little boy within me and Will Share the Little Boy Within Himself.
        will Nurture the little boy in me, While Respecting the man that i am.
        Knows how to Use me for His Pleasure and mine.
        is Disciplined enough to Provide the Discipline i need.
        is naturally a Master, not playing a role.
        is Proud of and Comfortable with His Master Nature.
        Knows what He Likes and Wants and Does not Apologize for It.
        Leads by Listening.
        Needs my service.
        will accept my overwhelming desire to give away control of my life, in full trust to Him.
        makes me want to be a not only a better slave, but a better human being also.
        Understands that giving my life to someone that needs my services enriches my  Life and His Life.
        is willing to share His Life, His Work, His Spirit, His Body and His Scent with me.
        Understands that a Slap and a Kiss are both gifts and Knows when each need to be Given.
        has a Hairy Body, if not then at least Crotch, Balls, and Ass Hole.
        Loves Full Body tongue baths.
        Skilled in BDSM Techniques and Control
        Challenges me mentally and physically.
        The perfect Master is Emotionally Stable and Psychologically Balanced.
        He Thrives on both Control and Responsibility.
        He is not Afraid of His Feelings or the feelings of His slave.
        He is Sadistic but not from Anger.
        His Arrogance comes from Self Confidence.
        He Has Pride in His Master Nature and Pride in the submissive nature of His slave.
        He is as Comfortable in Cuddling as Doing Bondage, in Conversation as in Ordering, Treating me as a
       Friend as Treating me as a slave, Treating me as a Partner as Treating me as His pet dog.
        He is a Man that Will Appreciate my great sexual pleasure that comes when i strip myself of all boundaries from Him and am totally
       naked before Him to receive His Commands to Love and Serve Him.

A Master is an individual born with a spiritual sense of presence and connectedness. No one can make an individual a Master except that individual his or herself - in their own growth process in becoming centered and growing into a state of connectedness in the universe. A Master is an individual who feels incomplete without the love and service of an individual with heart of slave. A Master may or may not be involved with SM. A Master has a "special connectedness" that they allow the heart of slave to "share" in the journey of spirit. Many Masters do this sharing without knowledge and direction, without purpose or goal, and sadly - sometimes without trust in their own intuitive spiritual nature. It is also easy to confuse the sexual and spiritual aspects of Mastery - which are closely related and overlap in the most intricate manner. A Master without this connectedness can do best by loving and nurturing the heart of slave, but provides at best a poor signpost of direction. SM activities can be one tool to allow a slave to completely let go of any limits or blocks in becoming connected with their heart of slave. SM without love inhibits the spiritual growth of the heart of slave - and is simply brutality. Pain without direction becomes a "lost journey" for the heart of slave.

 The most advanced and spiritually connected man of Mastery whom i have ever met is a man named SlaveMaster. He has developed his training process to a rare and exceptional quality. i strongly encourage any unattached man who has heart of slave to consider applying to him for direction and training. His articles have appeared in The Leather Journal <> and other magazines, and his web site is <>.  Taken from a talk given by Master Steve to OCLA.
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Slave (Defined)
Webster's New World Dictionary:
"slave n. 1. a human being who is owned by another 2. one dominated by some influence"

By definition, as a slave, while highly valued, cherished, and loved by your Master, you are nonetheless owned and viewed as the chattel or property of your Master, property that can be taken and used as your Master might see fit.   Property without rights, privileges, or freedoms except those clearly and specifically granted by your Master.   Slaves exist solely for and at the pleasure of their Masters.

You are a slave by choice.   You have willingly submitted to your Master with full knowledge and understanding of the life-style that you are choosing.   No matter how "perverse" the Master's needs or desires might appear to be to the uninformed outsider, your submission is valued beyond measure.
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Slave's Responsibilities
As a slave, you are obligated to have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of your submission, and what restrictions are placed upon you.  You have willingly entered the relationship with your Master, armed with the luxury of informed choice.  You have surrendered your freedom to your Master and agreed to His domination and control.  As long as you remain in this relationship, you are expected to obey the Master without question or hesitation.

As a slave, you are obligated to and responsible for insuring that you do nothing to endanger or threaten your health and well-being, that of your Master, and that of your Master's household.

You are to notify your Master of any changes in your physical health or well-being. You will also share with your Master any significant changes in your personal attitude or mental health.  Loneliness, depression, and insecurity are often visited upon a new slave.  Your Master will be as understanding and supportive of your emotional needs as He will be of your physical safety.  You must understand, however, that Master is not a psychotherapist.  You are responsible for insuring that you maintain your mental health at all times.

You will maintain your weight and physical fitness in accordance with good health and your Master's wishes.  You may talk with Him about anything at any time.  But you are expected to exercise judgment and self-control by planning to bring new issues forward at times that are convenient and considerate of Master's needs. Exercise care and sound judgment in all things, remembering that in all things your conduct reflects directly upon your Master.

As a slave, you should understand that your primary function is to serve and please your Master.  Your success or failure in this regard is measured not only in terms of how well you accomplish this, but the manner in which you accomplish it.

If, as a slave, it is your primary function to please and serve your Master, then it must follow that your secondary function is to be both desirable and pleasing as you serve your Master.  This includes being consciously concerned with Master's pleasure and well-being, solicitous of Master's needs and of the various means in which you might be more pleasing to Him.  In so doing, you contribute to the harmony within the relationship.  When interacting with the Master, you are expected to be constantly aware that you have sworn yourself to fulfilling your Master's desires.  Making demands upon Master's time or His resources, be they physical, emotional, or financial is not seeking to please Him, it is seeking to please yourself.  Master requires that you give your all without seeking anything beyond the pleasure of serving Him.

A boy as full time slave
Boy must be:
Docile (Will break as necessary)
Train able (Will train novice or experienced)
Loyal (Willing to obey Master without question)
Submissive (Willing to place life in the control of his Master)
Young (Must have a spark of youthful excitement - the real age is not that important)
Trim (Must have weight proportional to height)
This is a serious situation for a boy that is looking to be controlled and service his Master totally. The Master will involve himself in every aspect of the boys life. The boy will learn to live a life in restraints and to obey every command given to him by his Master.
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A slave is an individual born with a slave spirit. No one can make an individual have this spirit; nothing can be dome to create this state in an individual's being. No one trying hard or wishing for this sense of spirit can develop it within themselves and no Master can cause it to occur. slave is an extraordinary human being who is born with this slate spirit - as much as they are born to breathe, or have gifted talents like design or music. A slave is extraordinary, rare and most often confused until they discover their slave spirit heart. Most slaves wander through life feeling unfulfilled - as if they have a "dark hole" in their spirit - a hole that can be temporarily filled with an abundance of sex, work , addictive behavior or other whole-life-consuming factors. slaves often have a sense of the spiritual (some become clergy), but feel this sense of spiritual awareness to be disconnected from their desire for a Mastery/slavery relationship. A slave has a right to feel joy and pride in their slavery and in service to a Master.

 slave is often confused seeing Dominance as Mastery; SM as completion; or fetish focus as the fulfillment of this "dark hole" in their spirit. Many can find enough fulfillment in these areas to develop a sense of wholeness (often a quiet longing exists - although for what, the slave doesn't know). Heart of slave can be actualized only when the spiritual journey occurs that connects this "dark hole" in the spirit to the whole spirit and then to the universe. It is a process of a painful and trusting leap of faith that causes this connectedness to occur - a truly spiritual journey. Heart of slave can only be complete in service to a Master and it is within this service that the spiritual journey occurs. slavery is not about a "hard dick or clit experience", although hard dicks and clits happen and are enjoyed. slavery is the completion of a spirit in search of "connectedness" in the universe. Taken from a talk given by Master Steve to OCLA.
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So, You Want to Be a Slave?
     by Jack Rinella
You've got the idea that you want a long-term, full-time relationship with a dominant person. You've figured out that you're happiest having someone in control of your life. You think you want to serve, to obey, to please, and, yes, even worship the man of your dreams.  Added to that, you think you may have found him. You want to be his slave. Go for it and good luck. You're dreaming about a lot more than you think.

There are numerous ways to define a Master/slave relationship. It's pretty clear that i define it with a higher level of intensity, commitment, and trust than do most people, but i don't think that my definition is any worse than anyone else's. On the other hand, the "right definition" is the one that's right for the two in the relationship.  Having the relationship you seek is no easy matter.  Before you begin, remember that developing it will take time. Finding the "right" partner seems to take forever, but once over that hurtle, the process has only just begun.  Even the best trained, most experienced slaves need to learn the unique demands that every Master has for his slaves.  And if you are new at this, the list of things to learn can seem endless.  If you are already well-trained, you know that every Master wants you his way and you've got to adjust to it.  What this Master wants is always going to be different than what the last one wanted.

Becoming the slave you want to be takes a willingness to change. That may seem easy enough, but what we forget is that the changes might not be the kind we want to embrace. As an example, your new Master may want you to work out every other day to build a muscular frame on your cute, young body. That command may demand you eat breakfast, drink less alcohol, and be asleep an hour earlier than usual. Can you handle it?
Slavery conjures up all sorts of thoughts about erotic activities, sexual adventures, and multiple orgasms. We think that it's all bondage, discipline, sucking, fucking, and body worship. But in reality, it's not. Most of a slave's time is spent doing mundane chores such as cleaning and laundry. You'll be surprised at how much time a slave spends simply waiting for his Master. Can you wait?

Can you stand the training itself? Are you willing to learn? The first half hour with your new Master will most likely be a torrent of instructions. He'll have preferred ways for you to address him, to stand in front of him, places for you to caress him, rules about touching yourself, asking permission, clothing or the lack of it, etc.
It's all very exciting at first. But can you last more than a night? more than a week? a month? Will you still want to be his slave three months from now? The thrill of it all will wear away.

If it's a game to you, the game will become very boring. You'll find that you've given him all of your time and now you have none for yourself. You'll miss your friends, your apartment, your favorite bar, and putting on the music you like. There will be times when you'll wish you could take off your slave collar just for a night. You'll want the guys in the bar to look at you as something other than his property, but they won't. You'll be seen as a slave and so they'll assume you're off limits.

It sounds as if I'm down on the whole idea of ever realizing one's dream. I'm not. If slavery is what you seek, then go for it. Just go for it slowly.  You really can't do it any other way anyway. It takes time to develop the level of trust that submission requires. And i will be the first to tell you not to submit to a person you haven't learned to trust. It will take time to learn his rules, tastes, and expectations. For instance, i expect my slave to sleep over at my place often, to bring me coffee in the morning, and to accept that there are other slaves in my life. Morning coffee is an easy issue, but can you share your Master?

It will be a matter of "Getting to know you." Your new Master will want to know what you're thinking, how you're feeling, what turns you on and what turns you off. He'll expect you to be honest and open. He'll want to get into your head, to understand your expectations, your limits, your history.

A while ago, i answered a classified ad from a guy who wanted a permanent Master. When we talked on the phone he pleaded with me to give him a chance. i did. We met and i began my usual routine of ordering him around.

It took less than fifteen minutes for him to say, "I'm sorry. This isn't for me." He was dressed and out the door within three minutes, muttering his apologies. He had driven an hour for 18 minutes of experience.
I'm sorry to say that he thinks he failed. But he didn't. In fact, he learned. He may not have liked what he learned, but he learned all the same.  And of course learning is what relationships are all about. You're going to have to learn to please that new Master of yours. That can be a challenge. Don't worry, doing so will make you his "best boy." Best boys are a true delight.

In the hopes of propelling a few of you into that fine class of service, I'm going to give out some advice. Concrete descriptions and exact rules depend upon the will of the Master.  After all, you can only be best when he names you so. It's my experience that all Masters look for many of the same qualities. Yes, they differ on specifics and each of us has a special something that we're after, such as a hairy or a smooth body, high pain tolerance, or anal receptivity.  The following "Rules for Slaves," are general enough to apply and will most likely help to make you "best boy", at least in my dungeon.

1. Know who is Master and who is slave.
The two most common complaints are that there aren't enough tops and there are too many pushy bottoms.  I think that that's because most people never know the implications and the real limits of their fantasies.
I've been searching the classifieds for years, looking for the prefect slave material. At this writing the vacancy is still open. Why? Because most of the classifieds are placed by boys who dream and don't want to wake up to live their fantasies. i tell the classic story of a "slave" who wanted the Master to drive ten hours, pick him up on some street corner, and take him back home forever.

His plan was that his life would then be lived chained in the basement. He would never leave the house, nor even his "cell". He would be lost to his wife (to whom he was still married) and his children (who still depended upon him for support). His Master would feed him, pay the rent, and provide heat and light as necessary.  In effect the Master would be his slave, bringing home a weekly paycheck in order to support him in the style to which he wanted to become accustomed.

So you want to be a slave? Or is it really that you want to be a bottom with the appearance of slavery in your life? I'm a firm believer that every man ought to live his fantasies, but if you can't accept the reality of slavery, of complete domination by your Master, then admit that slavery isn't the best name for your fantasy relationship.  If, on the other hand, you desire the completeness that slavery can offer, read on, and obey your Master without question or hesitation.

2. Say "Sir."
A substantial part of any human relationship entails speech. So use the desired title frequently and respectfully. Your Master will prefer Master, Sir, Mister, or maybe his first name.  What you call him depends on his instructions. What you say is important, how you say it is essential. Use your tone of voice to show deference, respect, and submission. Less speech is better than more; sincerity is required. Without honesty and candor, you will never be seen as "best".  The tone of your voice is a projection of your inner feelings. Your respect, deference, and attitude help set up a special energetic relationship between the two of you. As you honor and glorify your Master, your slavery becomes more real, his Mastery more complete. It is in this "completion" that your mutual and deepest feelings can grow.  From them arises the power, the ecstasy, and the bonding of the Master/slave exchange that you are seeking. If you just "play" at it, your physical, emotional, and psychic rewards will remain superficial. The deep and meaningful realities we seek only come with attitudes of similar depth.

3. Be zealous to please.
To give pleasure is the only reason for a slave to be in the Master's presence. How you give pleasure will be defined by your Master's instructions. How well you give pleasure will be determined by your attitude.
A slave pleases by obedience, conformance to expectations, and by his approach to his Master. Once a slave knows to do something, he should do it without having to be told. Anticipate, within the Master's guidelines, his wishes and do your best to do them well.  It's hard, of course, for a slave to keep himself at a heightened level of service all of the time. We all get tired, bored, and frustrated. We want to take a break. Certainly there's nothing wrong with that, and "breaks" are necessary.  But even in the "easy times" a slave should maintain the preference, the deference for his Master. Always see yourself within the circle of energy created between the complementary persons you are becoming.

4. Surrender yourself as a gift.
What we're exploring, experiencing here if you will, is the creation of a Master/slave polarity that can elicit incredible mental states, intense physical sensations, and strong bonding.  Your willingness to surrender and your commitment to your Master's pleasure are needed to bring "success" to your relationship. At stake is the co-creation of a unique synergy.  While the Master "creates" the slave, the slave simultaneously creates the Master. After all, how can anyone be dominant unless someone submit? Together you will be more than the two of you ever wished.

5. Open yourself and become vulnerable to your Master's will.
That of course is easier said than done. Our natural reaction is to cover ourselves, to hide and protect ourselves. We have been taught to defend ourselves at all times, to compete with everyone else, and to assert our own wills. In this, slavery is a strong renunciation of "worldly values," a serious affront to the status quo. It doesn't gain the usual benefits. Happily, other, more sublime victories, are to be had by submitting.  It is difficult to drop the defenses, the desires, the ego-tripping facades that we use to face the world each day. But the true slave finds solace in the Master's will. Frankly, for the real slave in the right relationship, this is an incredible release, the experience of which is an immense reservoir of peace and calm. Best boys learn to enter this state.

6. Relax and accept your condition.
This is the art of letting go. Is the whip hurting too much? Take it. Are you jealous that your Master is paying attention to someone else? So what? Are you bothered by his demands? Let go.  Embrace your slavery as your chosen condition. Does it hurt? Feel it, surrender to it, let it move you. Does it give you pleasure? Enjoy it, accept it, let it take you.  There is one important qualification here: if you feel the experience is dangerous to your health, let your Master know immediately. Best boys need to be kept in the best physical condition.   Accept pain, but do not accept injury. There is a difference!

7. Study.
Learn what turns your Master on. Work to improve your technique, whether it be folding laundry or sucking his cock.  Find out how he likes you to act in public, in bed, at his feet. Fine tune your physical attention to his body. Learn how to give massages, how to make coffee the way he likes it, how to worship his body with every part of your being.

8. Respond.
Show your reaction to your Master's attention. Some Masters like to hear their slaves cry, see them squirm, feel them having orgasms. Others prefer quiet surrender. Get to know what kind of responses most please your Master and do your best to deliver accordingly.  Some responses can be spontaneous. Others can be "planned". As it is feasible, there are a host of things you can do to show your submission. Invite him to dinner, bring flowers or a favorite food, go "beyond the call of duty" in house keeping or gardening. Make him proud of you at all times.

9. Love your Master.
I've saved the most important for last. Love will come naturally if it is to come at all. I'm not talking about being in love, i mean rather the decision you make to prefer your Master, to see him as the center of your devotion and attention. Focus on your Master as your partner in this unique creation.  Let your Master be responsible for directing and maintaining the relationship. For your part, take responsibility to serve him well. Make yourself a gift to your Master and you will reap the rewards of being best.
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Advice from one slave to his brothers
1. Until you agree to submit, you are in control of what you do. Every Man you come across who says He is a Master deserves appropriate respect and deference. But simply because He says He is a Master does not mean you owe Him submission. Your submission is a gift. You choose Who to give it to. And until you choose to give it to a Man, you remain in control and should exercise that control — but always with respect and deference.

2. Never meet a Master for a session of service or s/m play before first meeting to talk. Remember what they say about bars? That the closer to closing time it gets, the better everyone looks? Keep this in mind also when you're online. Everyone can look good online. Everyone can say the right things, type the proper words. Enjoy cyber — but know it is only cyber until you meet.

If you have spent extensive time with Him online or on the phone and feel okay with Him, you might consider that to be the meeting. But it still remains best to meet first in person — preferably in a neutral place, like a restaurant. Show Him respect and deference, but until you choose to submit, you remain in control of yourself even if you are at His place. Until you choose to give Him this control, His requests for you to undress, sit on the floor, or whatever, no matter the tone in His voice, are merely requests, not orders, until you accept them as such.

3. It is best not to plan or expect a session at this first meeting. Let it be just a meeting to find out if the two of you click and want to continue. This is a good test of the sincerity of the Master. Almost all will tell you They want an ongoing thing. If this is true, and if They really want you, then there is no hurry. You can meet first . . . and plan to have the session the next day, if you want.

4. Be totally and completely honest with potential Masters about what you seek, what your experience level is, what you fear, what you crave, and what your limits are. Your ego and your desire to not disappoint a potential Master may make you want to exaggerate. But it does no one any good if you tell a Master you can take a bullwhip when you have never even been flogged hard.

A good Master is not as concerned with how intensely you can play as with whether you genuinely want to play. Good Masters are looking for reactions and potential for growth. If They get a good reaction out of a slow, light flogging, They are as satisfied as when They get a good reaction out of a full-force bullwhipping. Well, maybe not as satisfied, but satisfied enough!

And never say you can take anything. You may find your forehead branded before the night is out.

5. Be totally honest with yourself about what you seek. There is an undercurrent in the leather community that a hierarchy exists among submissives. According to this “common wisdom,” it is better to be 24/7 than part time, it is better to be a slave than a boy, and so on. Don't fall into this trap.

What is best for you is whatever meets your specific desires and needs. To be a man who submits only in sessions because this is all he needs is as valid and as good as being a man who submits to the complete control of a Master on a 24/7 basis because that is what he needs. Don't let anyone, fellow submissive or Master, try to make you into something you do not need or want to be.

6. Follow your gut feeling about the Master. Even if your head cannot come up with specific reasons not to trust the Man, if your gut is sending up any sort of red flags, listen to it. If you find you are talking yourself into submission to a specific Master, then He is not the One for you. At the same time, learn to recognize the difference between fear of giving up control, which is good and exciting, and uncertainty about a particular Man's trustworthiness. Most of the Men you meet will be trustworthy and not a problem. But a few will not be.

7. When you meet with the Master, do as much interviewing as He does — but do it respectfully, of course. What are you trying to find out about Him? Several things. Does He respect you as a man? Does He respect you as a slave? Will He respect your limits? Does He understand your level of experience, and will He work with it? Does He have experience or skills in the type of activity He wants to do, or is He just off on some fantasy trip? Do you like this Man as a person?

And, not unimportant, do you find this Man attractive either physically, personally, or because He has something to teach You? (Not every Master has to be a physical fantasy trip. Some may not be but are still well worth submitting to because you will learn a lot and They can give you exactly what you need.)

8. One major thing to look for is whether the Master is concerned about your needs and desires, about what you want to get out of this. If there is little discussion about your needs — if all the talk is about His needs — He is probably not the Man you want for a long-term situation, though He may be great for a quick session focused totally and completely on His desires. If you pick a Man like this to submit to, realize that you will probably need to take care of your own emotional and physical satisfaction. He is not going to give it to you.

9. Never go to a first meeting or session (or even a second or third) thinking that this Master may be good for a long-term relationship or for total control outside of when You are together. You are very likely to find yourself hurt and disappointed if you do. Full or 24/7 control develops over a long period of time — it is not created out of thin air.

10. When considering a Master for long-term or total control outside of sessions, look at the total Man. You are going to spend a lot of time with this Man outside of sessions. Do you like Him that much? Can you deal with all His idiosyncrasies, bad habits, insecurities, and personal baggage on a continuing basis? And if you think He doesn't have any of that stuff, then you have just not seen it. And if you have not seen it, then you do not know Him well enough for such a commitment.

11. Limits. Have two sets: temporary ones, which you decide when to lift, and permanent ones, which always remain in place. You need to decide what belongs in each set. To help you understand the difference, here are the limits i used to use — and still do if my Master wants me to hunt for outside experiences:

Permanent — Safe sex. No scat. No blood. No drugs. Nothing illegal. No permanent damage physically, professionally, personally, or emotionally
Temporary — Meet first. No total bondage; either legs or arms must be free at all times. (Yes, I want to be able to kick Him in the balls if I need to — or fight back some other way.) No blindfolds. No gags. Safeword. (We'll talk about safewords below.)

You are the one who drops these temporary limits — one at a time or all together — as you get comfortable and feel you can trust the Man. You may even decide to drop them in the first session. But use your head, and listen to your gut, in deciding when to drop them, not your cock. If you are still not comfortable enough by the third session with a Master to drop any of your temporary limits, you probably don't trust Him enough and shouldn't see Him again.

(Having said all this, i must add that all limits, even permanent ones, go away if you are owned — and owned for a long time! Once the trust is total, there is no need for any limits. But you still choose when the permanent ones go away, not your Master.)

12. Try to get references on a particular Master before you commit to any sort of a session. Leather clubs and organizations are good for this, as are friends and people you talk to online. A good reference from another bottom is better than any sort of assurance from the Master Himself.

What to do if you get a bad reference? Don't automatically reject the Master. Find out why the reference is bad. It could easily be that the two men simply did not click, or that the Master's interests did not correspond with the slave's. This can happen between any two men and is not a sign that either one is untrustworthy or bad in some way. A disregard for safewords, however, or otherwise ignoring limits are good reasons to call it off.

13. When you have your first session with a Master, no matter how well you think you have gotten to know Him, you need to protect yourself in case you have made a bad judgment call. There are many ways to do this. One of the most common is to tell a friend where you are going, the Master's name, and the address and phone number of where you will be, assuming you have these. Give your friend a time when you will call him to verify that you are okay. Tell him that if he does not hear from you by that time, he should take action to find you.

Make sure, though, that you give enough leeway in the timing so that the Master does not have cops knocking down His door because you thought the session would end at midnight and He was just getting going at that point! Also, make sure you do call the friend if you are all right, even if it is from the Master's home. Let the Master know you have made this arrangement and when your friend is expecting to hear from you. A good Master will not be offended and will make sure you can place the call.

14. Safewords. Everyone talks about them. Almost every Master says He will respect them. But do not assume that because a Man says He will respect them that He will do so in the heat of a session. Respecting safewords is an easy promise to make — and an even easier one to break. Accepting a Master's assurance that He will respect a safeword is like assuming the white line in the street will automatically stop every car the moment you walk into the crosswalk. Most Masters do respect safewords, but some do not. Build some trust in a Master first before accepting His assurances at face value.

Here's a test you can use in the first couple of sessions. When you're in a difficult position or undergoing some heavy action, make noises indicating it is getting very hard to take and that you need something changed. See what He does. An immediate response from Him is not necessary — He may want to see how far you can go. But a timely response to your distress should be forthcoming. If it is not, don't assume He will listen to a safe word.

15. When you are talking with a Master online or meeting Him in a bar or elsewhere for the first time, know that you are both doing a seduction dance with each other. And if you both play your roles correctly, you will both get turned on.

Being seduced and turned on is a good thing, but recognize it for what it is. You are both looking for the buttons that the other reacts to, and once you find them, you are both pushing them to get the reactions you want — He in taking control and you in submitting. But seduction is not real life, just a part of it. Wait until you get to know the Man in real life before deciding He is the One you really want to submit to.

16. Play the field. You'll need to kiss a lot of frogs before finding your Prince. One mistake many slaves — especially those who are just “coming out” — make is to jump into serving a single Master exclusively and totally before they have figured out what it is they want and need. Resist this temptation, no matter how hard your dick gets or how fast your heart beats when you first hear a Master speak the words you have only heard in your fantasies before.

Any Master worth His salt is going to be able to get you excited and eager to serve. That doesn't necessarily mean He is the one to latch onto full time. It just means that while You were together, you clicked. Get lots of experience. Compare the styles and characters of many Masters. Learn from each of them. Learn about Masters and, more important, about yourself and what it is you really seek from your submission. Once you have learned enough, especially about your own needs, then you can consider Someone as a full-time Master.

17. Recognize that a Master without a boy is often as desperate as a boy without a Master. They, too, are human, and They like to have someone They can depend on to play with and be with anytime They want. Plus, Masters generally have good-size egos and like to be able to impress other Masters by saying, “I own a boy” — or more than one.

Because of this, you may get a lot of pressure to make a full-time commitment or to go into full-time training at an early stage of your acquaintance with a Master. Resist this. Do not do it until you are sure that He is the Man you want in this role. Indeed, one sign of a really good Master is that He may offer you a position with Him without pressuring you in any way to make a quick decision. Such a Man understands how tentative and unsure of themselves many unowned slaves are and has enough confidence in Himself not to need a trophy.

18. Do not assume that in the early stages of getting to know a Master that He will feel the same toward you as you feel toward Him. It is very hard for a male to open himself up and become vulnerable to someone else, but this is exactly what we slaves do when we submit to a Master. Doing so provides an amazing sense of relief and satisfaction, and we feel a strong bond with the Man Who has seen us become so open and vulnerable. We feel close to Him and want to be with Him.

But, at least in an early session, the Master does not do the same: He does not lay Himself bare to you just because He plays with you. While He may like you, may have enjoyed the session, and may want to see you again, don't assume He is feeling the same strong bond with you that you feel with Him. Over time, if you and He develop an ongoing relationship, He will feel this way. But not at first.

19. Do not mistake this bond you are feeling for love. This is why so many slaves decide, after only a couple of weeks, that they have found the Master they have sought for so long. Then they are hurt and disappointed when, a few weeks later, it doesn't work out. Don't make this mistake.

Since it is seldom that any of us experience real love in life, we may not know what love really feels like even though we seek it so desperately. As noted above, once you have laid yourself bare in a session, given that much control and submission to another Man, you are going to feel very close to Him. But this is not love. It is simply openness and a bond beginning to form. Enjoy the bond. But remember that real love means you know the Man well — not just the Master but the whole Man — and that you accept Him for what He is, warts and all.

20. Finally, remember that this is all supposed to be fun and satisfying. If it is not, if you find that the Master is causing you to be upset, worried, guilty, whatever — if you are not having fun or being satisfied — then don't play with Him. Find someone else. Too many boys take this all much too seriously and never really enjoy the hunt, never really enjoy the sex, never really enjoy the submission, never really enjoy being conquered by a Master, never really enjoy any of it. They work too hard and are too desperate.

Go out, enjoy, and have fun. It's the only reason to do this.

Prepared by the slave, coyote, under orders from his Master, Control, and based on the training his Master has given him. © 2000 by coyote (; all rights reserved.
Printed here with permission of Master Control through slave coyote

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Revised and/or printed on Monday, 18 August 1997 at 08:17 a.m.
NOTE: During the execution of ALL of the following commands, the slave should do his best to allow plenty of space around himself so that The Master is able to move around the slave easily whenever possible.
The slave should never slouch when assuming these positions. The slave's back should always be as straight as possible, with the exception of "SIT". The standard "Stomach in. Chest out. Eyes as directed" is, of course expected as well.

As to the direction that the slave is to face, the commands assume that The Master is present in the room where the command is to be executed and with one exception as noted, the slave should automatically face the Master. When sent to another room, the slave will be instructed or taught as to the appropriate direction to face.

In the following commands and any new ones: where it is stated that the wrists are to be crossed, it means exactly that. The hands are not to be clasped together! The slaves arms should form an "X" with the wrists being the point where the arms cross. The slave will hold his arms in this position until and unless instructed otherwise. The hands may form fists or be open, which ever the slave prefers unless otherwise instructed. The slave will be gently corrected initially, but repetition of errors may result in punishment.

KNEEL: The slave kneels down immediately, exactly where he is at the moment, facing The Master. The slave's knees are to be spread as wide apart as possible. The slave's back is to be straight. The slave's head is to be bowed in submission and respect and his eyes are to be looking down at the floor. The slave's hands are to be crossed at the wrist behind his back as if he is waiting to have them tied by The Master. The slave's ass is not to be resting on the slave's heels, but should be in line with the slave's back. The slave will respond, "Yes, SIR." (This is the normal waiting position for the slave unless told otherwise.)

When a slave is summoned, he is to go immediately to the room where The Master is located and assume that the Kneel command has been given and respond accordingly (including the verbal response) unless The Master has given other instructions. (If a slave is occupied with something that could be problematic, such as cooking, the slave should acknowledge the summons with "Yes, SIR" and follow any commands as soon as possible, unless otherwise instructed.)

When a slave is sent to another room, he is to go immediately to that room and assume that the Kneel command has been given. The verbal response will be given when the Master enters the room unless otherwise instructed. (If a slave is occupied with something that could be problematic, such as cooking, the slave should acknowledge the command with "Yes, SIR" and follow any subsequent commands as soon as possible, unless otherwise instructed.)

REST: The slave kneels immediately, exactly where he is at the moment, facing The Master. The slave's knees are to be spread wide as wide apart as possible. The slave's back is to be straight. The slave's head is to be bowed in submission and respect and his eyes are to be looking down at the floor. The slave's hands are to be resting on the inside of the slave's thighs in a comfortable, relaxed position, palms up. The slave's ass is to be resting on the slave's heels, in the REST position. The slave will-respond, "Yes, SIR. Thank You, SIR."

(Originally, the slave's hands were to be crossed at the wrist behind his back as if he was waiting to have them tied by The Master. i modified this as this is suppose to be a "Resting" position.)

SIT: The slave is permitted to sit comfortably on the floor either at The Master's feet or if The Master is lying on the couch, the slave will sit comfortably on the floor within easy reach of The Master's hands. The slave will remain respectful, but does not need to bow his head or look down at the floor. The slave will respond, "Yes, SIR. Thank You, SIR."

STAND: The slave stands up exactly where he is at the moment, facing The Master. The slave's back should be kept straight. The slave's legs are to be spread as wide apart as possible, but not to a point that will cause the slave to loose his balance. The slave's back is to be straight. The slave's head is to be bowed in submission and respect and his eyes are to be looking down at the floor. The slave's hands are to be crossed at the wrist behind his back as if he is waiting to have them tied by The Master. The slave will-respond, "Yes, SIR."

ATTENTION: (Standard Attention position.) The slave stands immediately, exactly where he is at the moment, facing The Master. The slave's legs are to be straight and his feet are to be together, The slave's head should be in a normal upright position and his eyes are to be looking straight ahead. The slave's arms will be down at his sides. The slave will keep his stomach in and his chest out. The slave responds, "Yes, SIR."

INSPECTION: The slave goes immediately and automatically to middle of the living room, from wherever he is currently located (unless otherwise specified by The Master) and stands facing the couch (unless otherwise instructed). [This is the exception to the "Facing the Master" requirement that was mentioned above.] The slave's legs are to be spread as wide apart as possible, but not to a point that will cause the slave to loose his balance. The slave's back is to be straight. The slave's head should be in a normal upright position and his eyes are to be looking straight ahead. The slave's hands are to be locked behind his head, exposing as much of his body as possible for The Master's inspection . The slave will respond, "Master John, SIR. Your humble slave presents himself for Your personal inspection, SIR."

If the slave is ordered to bend over during the Inspection, and needs to move his legs slightly to compensate for balance, he may do so. The hands remain behind the head unless otherwise directed.

. . . More to come.

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